Inktober 2019 Originals: Zagan


Inktober 2019 Original Work: Zagan

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Sierra Bravo Inktober: Zagan

This original painting is part of the Inktober art challenge of one ink drawing a day for all of October I did in 2019! For 2019 my theme was demons from the Ars Goetia.

Demontober #29: Zagan! Even though he’s a bull, Zagan is not full of crap. Zagan can turn take blood, wine, and water and transform it into any of the other substances. In addition, he can also create coins from any metal he is given, and turn fools into wise men. He’s very talented.

This demon is available and looking for a new home–but be warned! He just might be trouble…


Sierra Bravo Inktober: Zagan
Pentel Brushpen and Phosphorescent Ink


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