Canvas Prints


Canvas prints! They’re digital pieces come to the real world printed on stretched canvas, perfect for hanging on a wall or hanging out on an easel on your desk. Coming in a variety of designs and featuring animals both real and mythical!

Two main sizes:



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Canvas Prints

Canvas prints! They’re digital pieces come to the real world printed on stretched canvas, perfect for hanging on a wall or hanging out on an easel on your desk.

Two main sizes:



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Dimensions N/A

Blue Gryphon 8×14", Yellow Gryphon 8×14", Red Gryphon 8×14", Three Gryphons 8×8", Blue Tiger 8×8", Kingslayer 8×8", White Rabbit 8×8", Roaring Lion 8×8"", New Year Dragon 8×8", Birch Fox 8×8", White Horse 8×8", Sakura Sphinx 8×8", Sakura Sphinx Seconds 8×8"


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